Accepting bids until 3:00 pm EST 8/9/22
Sealed Bids will be received at the Village of Millbrook Village Hall, Attention: Sarah Witt. 35 Merritt Avenue, PO Box 349, Millbrook, NY 1254S until 3:00 pm local time of August 9, 2022 and then publicly opened and read aloud at the Village Board meeting (8/10/2022 at 6:30 pm at the Millbrook Firehouse- 20 Front St)
Work shall include but is not limited to:
Install 8″ Cured in place pipe for approximately 485 feet of clay tile sewer main from manhole 23 to manhole 25.
The sewer main to be worked on is within an easement. Existing conditions include numerous root intrusions. Work shall include pipe cleaning and pre/post CCTV inspections. All CCTV inspection recordings to be provided to the Village of Millbrook Water/Sewer Department upon completion. A map can be provided upon request.
Please contact Scott Osborn with VRl Environmental Services with any questions regarding this work at