Jan 1 – Jan 31
The Village Highway Department will pick-up live trees through January 31st weather permitting. There is no set schedule for this program.
- Residents must place their live trees curbside for pick-up. Please do not place trees in the road. This program is for LIVE trees only. No artificial trees will be picked up.
- PLEASE DO NOT leave ornaments or lights on trees
Please note that everything must be removed from the tree in order for it to be picked up. We will not accept trees still containing decorations, tinsel, lights, tree stands or other items. - PLEASE DO NOT put trees out prior to snow storm
If you are aware of a snow storm coming please wait until after clean up is finished. If the tree is buried in the snow we will not dig it out to remove it.
If you have any questions please call the Village Highway Garage at 845-677-3022