Meeting Docs

Board of Trustees Meeting Documents

Meeting Date Agenda Meeting Documents
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement FYE 2024
  • Operating Statement FYE 2025
  • Local Law 6 of 2024: Enacting Local Law No. 6 of 2024 Amending Chapter 79 of the Village Code Entitled “Brush, Grass and Weeds” to Establish Rules and Regulations for Keeping the Public Thoroughfare Free of Debris and Water
  • Local Law 7 of 2024: Introducing Local Law No. 7 of 2024 Imposing a Temporary Six Month Moratorium on Site Plan, Special Use Permit, Variance and Subdivision Approvals in the RLD Zoning District
  • Resolution 2024-010: Establishing Energy Benchmarking Requirements for Certain Municipal Buildings
  • 06-12-2024
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement FYE 2024
  • Operating Statement FYE 2025
  • Resolution 2024-009: WQIP Funding Application
  • Local Law 6 of 2024: Introducing Local Law No. 6 of 2024 Amending Chapter 79 of the Village Code Entitled “Brush, Grass and Weeds” to Establish Rules and Regulations for Keeping the Public Thoroughfare Free of Debris and Water
  • Local Law 7 of 2024: Introducing Local Law No. 7 of 2024 Imposing a Temporary Six Month Moratorium on Site Plan, Special Use Permit, Variance and Subdivision Approvals in the RLD Zoning District
  • 05-08-2024
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2024-007: Planning & Zoning Board revised fee schedule
  • Resolution 2024-008: Adopt Natural Resources Inventory
  • 04-24-2024
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade - Tighe & Bond
  • 04-10-2024
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Arbor Day Proclamation
  • Resolution 2024-006: Authorizing Use of Restricted Funds from Thorne Trust
  • Mayor's Monthly April 2024: The Budget Issue
  • Tentative Budget
  • Resolution 2024-005: Sewer Rate Increase
  • 03-13-2024
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2024-004: $325K BAN Renewal - Sewer Pump House
  • 02-14-2024
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2024-003: Authorizing the issuance of $121,000 serial bonds for new highway dump truck, sander and accessories
  • Local Law 2 of 2024: Rules and Regulations for Short-Term Rentals
  • Local Law 3 of 2024: Resolution 2024-008.2 Real Property Tax Exemption Amounts for Veterans & Senior Citizens
  • Local Law 4 of 2024: Amending Village Zoning Code to Require Sign on Property
  • Local Law 5 of 2024: Creating New Section 230-75 - Outdoor Dining on Village Sidewalks
  • 01-10-2024
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2024-001: Water Meter Rate Fee
  • Resolution 2024-002: WIIA Grant Authorizing Mayor To Sign
  • Local Law 1 of 2024: Reduce the Speed Limit on Certain Village Roads to 25 Miles Per Hour
  • Local Law 2 of 2024: Rules and Regulations for Short-Term Rentals
  • 01-03-2024
  • Building Department Fee Schedule (Draft)
  • Fund Balance Policy
  • Approval of Official Blanket Undertaking
  • 12-13-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Short Term Rental Update
  • Resolution 2023-012: Town of Washington Gym Lease Contract
  • Resolution 2023-014: $200K BAN Renewal
  • Resolution 2023-015: $550K BAN Renewal
  • Resolution 2023-016: Introducing Local Law No. 5 of 2023 to Establish Rules and Regulations for Short-Term Rentals
  • Resolution 2023-017: Introducing Local Law No. 4 of 2023 to Reduce the Speed Limit on Certain Village Roads to 25 Miles Per Hour
  • 11-08-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Short Term Rental Update
  • Bond Resolution 2023-011: Authorizing the issuance of $77,000 serial bonds for new fire chief vehicle
  • Resolution 2023-011.1: SEQRA to Finance Purchase of New Fire Chief Vehicle Unlisted Action
  • 10-27-2023 Emergency Meeting: Sidewalk Project
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Fiscal Year-End Report
  • Resolution 2023-009: Allowing Mayor Collopy to sign receipt, release & refunding agreement from JP Morgan
  • Resolution 2023-010: Lowering the speed limit on Franklin Ave.
  • 09-20-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2023-008.2: Real Property Tax Exemption for Veterans and Senior Citizens
  • 08-09-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Sidewalk Bid: Award Recommendation
  • Resolution 2023-008: Real Property Tax Exemption for Veterans and Senior Citizens
  • Proposed Updates: Air BnB & Short Term Rental Laws
  • Resolution 2023-007: Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Community Climate Action Plan
  • 07-19-2023 Emergency Meeting: Sewer Lining Bids
  • Bid Results
  • 07-12-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement - 22/23
  • Operating Statement - 23/24
  • Resolution 2023-006: WWTP Upgrade-WIIA Funding Application
  • Air BnB & Short Term Rental Laws
  • Short Term Rental Application
  • 06-28-2023
  • Resolution 2023-002: Corporate Resolution
  • Resolution 2023-005: Resolution Approving Agreement with Dutchess County to Repair Bridge on Stanford Rd
  • Resolution 2023-005.1: SEQR Resolution for Conveyance of Real Property to Dutchess County
  • Statement of Donation
  • Agreement to purchase Real Property
  • Bargain Sale Deed 1
  • Bargain Sale Deed 2
  • Temporary Easement 1
  • Temporary Easement 2
  • Permanent Easement

  • 06-14-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement - 22/23
  • Operating Statement - 23/24
  • Senior & Veteran Exemption
  • Air BnB & STR Laws
  • Blank STR Code
  • Air BnB Code
  • 05-10-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2023-004: Community Development Black Grant - Sidewalk Repair

    Local Law Chapter 220-V&T
  • 2023-002 v.6: Resolution of Adoption for Local Law No. 2 of 2023 Amending Village Vehicle and Traffic Law
  • 2023-002 v.6.1: Local Law No. 2 of 2023 Amending VT Law SEQR Short Form Part 1
  • 2023-002 v.6.2: Local Law No. 2 of 2023 Amending VT Law SEAF Parts 2 and 3
  • 2023-002 v.7: Local Law No. 2 of 2023 Amending VT Law SEQR Resolution
  • 04-26-2023
  • Bond Resolution 2023-003-01: Sewer Pump Improvements
  • Bond Resolution 2023-003-02: Financing Improvements Repairs for Sewer Pump Station
  • 04-12-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Public Hearing - Budget
  • Re-Introduction of Local Law Chapter 220-V&T
  • Corporate Resolution 2023-001
  • 04-04-2023
  • Budget: Tentative
  • 03-15-2023
  • Budget: Fire & Front Office
  • 03-08-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2023-003 v.2 Enacting Local Law No. 2 of 2023: Tax Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers
  • Resolution 2023-002 v.3 Enacting Local Law No. 1 of 2023: Amending Village Vehicle and Traffic Law
  • Alden Place Parking Letter from MCSD
  • 03-01-2023
  • Budget: Police & Highway
  • 02-22-2023
  • Budget: Water & Sewer
  • 02-08-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Arbor Day Proclamation
  • Bid Notice: Request for proposal for Smith & Loveless Pump Station Purchase
  • Bid Notice: Request for proposal for emergency generator purchase
  • Resolution 2023-02v2: Introduction for Local Law No. 1 of 2023 Amending Village Vehicle and Traffic Law
  • Resolution 2023-003: Authorizing Tax Exemption for Vol Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers
  • 01-11-2023
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2021-013: Amended Resolution - Water/Sewer Hookup & Escrow Fees
  • Resolution 2023-002: Intro to Local Law 1 of 2023 Amending Village Vehicle and Traffic Law
  • Mid Year Report
  • 01-04-2023
  • Presentation: Re-Org
  • Handbook (updated)
  • 12-14-2022
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2022-018: Resolution of Adoption for Local Law No. 3 of 2022 Establishing Regulations for Outdoor Dining in the Village
  • Resolution 2022-019: Bond Anticipation Renewal Note Resolution 2022 - $550k Water System Upgrade
  • Resolution 2022-020: Bond Anticipation Note Renewal Resolution 2022 - $200k Water System Improvement
  • Resolution 2022-021: ADA Resolution
  • Resolution 2022-?: Outdoor Dining SEQR Resolution
  • Local Law 3 of 2022: Creating Regulations for Outdoor Dining and Village Sidewalks SEAF Parts 2 and 3
  • Local Law 3 of 2022: Authorizing Outdoor Dining SEAF Part 1
  • 11-30-2022
  • Public Hearing Notice: Community Development Block Grant
  • Resolution 2022-018: Authorizing application for CDBG
  • 11-09-2022
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2021-013: Amending Water & Sewer Hookup Fee
  • Resolution 2022-014: A Resolution Establishing the Terms, Consideration and Conditions for Out of Village Residents to Connect to the Village Sewer System
  • Resolution 2022-015: NYCLASS Participation
  • Resolution 2022-016: Amending Village Zoning Law to Require Sign on Property of Public Hearing
  • Resolution 2022-017: Establishing Regulations for Outdoor Dining in the Village
  • Local Law 2 of 2022: PB and ZBA Signs SEQR Short Form Part 1
  • Local Law 3 of 2022: Authorizing Outdoor Dining SEAF Part 1
  • 10-12-2022
  • Presentation
  • Operating Statement
  • Resolution 2022-012: Amending Chapter 230 of the Village Code Entitled “Zoning” to Add the Requirement that Public Hearings Regarding Land Use
    Applications be Advertised on Signs Posted on the Property
  • Resolution 2022-013: Amending Article X of Chapter 230 of the Village Code by Creating a New Section 230-75 Containing Regulations for Outdoor Dining
    on Village Sidewalks
  • Outdoor Dining Form
  • Resolution 2022-014: A Resolution Establishing the Terms, Consideration and Conditions for Out of Village Residents to Connect to the Village Sewer System
  • Resolution 2022-015: NYCLASS Participation