The loose gravel on Maple Avenue is being vacuumed upearly tomorrow morning, Wednesday, September 18th. Please DO…

The loose gravel on Maple Avenue is being vacuumed upearly tomorrow morning, Wednesday, September 18th. Please DO…
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGSeptember 11, 2024 | 6:00 pm | Millbrook Firehouse TAKE NOTICE, that…
Think you have a great apple pie? Come let us be the judge of…
The Village Clerk’s office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor…
The oil & stone work on Maple Avenue is now tentatively scheduled forWednesday, September…
Washington Ave Road Work Bid Results Bid opened: 08/23/2024 @ 2:30 – Mayor and Clerk…
Poughkeepsie…The Dutchess County Department of Public Works (DPW) has announced the replacement of a…
Streets throughout the Village of Millbrook will be cleaned by a contractor very early…
Mayor’s Monthly NewsletterVolume 4 Issue 8 In This Issue: Village Speed Limit Street Cleaning Oil…
Village of Millbrook Planning BoardLegal NoticeAugust 12, 2024 PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Village…