Town of Washington Comprehensive Plan

Comprehensive Plan Review Committee Public Forums
Town of Washington Town Hall – 10 Reservoir Dr.
August 26 and September 15, 7:00 PM

The Town of Washington Comprehensive Plan Review Committee will be holding public forums to solicit the opinion(s) of town residents and taxpayers on the consideration of hospitality in the town as prescribed by the charter issued by the Town Board.

To stay up to date on future meetings, please subscribe directly to the Town newsletter at:

We are currently scheduling two evenings on August 26 and September 15 commencing at 7 PM and lasting approximately two and a half hours. The format will be hybrid with limited space available in Town Hall and also with Zoom.

It will be required for individuals interested in speaking to sign in 15 minutes prior (6:46 PM). The time will be allotted to a maximum of 50 individuals per session and limited to 3 minutes speaking per person. Additional sessions may be offered.

It is strongly suggested that individuals wishing to participate in person wear properly fitted masks in accordance with the current CDC advisory and due to concerns regarding the Delta variant.

Zoom links:

August 26, 2021, 7:00 PM

Phone in to the meeting: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 829 6124 8253
Passcode: 851329

September 15, 2021, 7:00 PM

Phone in to meeting: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 890 8401 7189
Passcode: 572693

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